Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Guide to Languages

Spanish and Italian: So THESE words are feminine and THESE words are masculine, and you ALWAYS put an adjective AFTER the noun.

French :haha i don't fuckin know man just do whatever


English: *shooting up in the bathroom*

Gaelic :the pronunciation changes depending on the gender and what letter the word starts and ends with and hahah i don't even know good fucking luck

Polish: here have all of these consonants have fun

Japanese: subject article noun article verb. too bad there's three fucking alphabets lmao hope your first language isn't western

Welsh: sneeze, and chances are you've got it right. idfk

Chinese: here's a picture. draw it. it means something. it can be pronounced four different ways. these twenty other pictures are pronounced the same but have very different meanings. godspeed.

Arabic: so here's this one word. it actually translates to three words. also pronouns don't really exist. the gender is all in the verb. have fun!

Latin :here memorize 500 charts and then you still don't know what the fuck is happening

Sign Language:If you move this sign by a tenth of an inch, you'll be signing "penis"

Russian: idk man its pronounced like its spelled but good fucking luck spelling it

Greek: so basically we're going to add 15 syllables to every word you know and assign it one of 3 genders at random. Also good luck figuring out where to put the accents you piece of shit