Friday, July 19, 2013

Let's Make Dzhokhar Tsarnaev An Idol, So He Can Have Fangirls

Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and our thoughts are always with them and their families. The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone’s long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day. The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens. –THE EDITORS

Well okay, so then why didn't you put James Holmes on the cover, he is around the same age as your target age readers.
And the fact that the Rolling Stones cover featuring Tsarnaev is deemed to be "sexy" is even worse. You see there is something in the psychology of some females (not all, but some) that makes them become hoplessly infatuated with people who have done truly terrible things, so long as those monsters don't look half bad. Dzhokhar looks like he could be part of a boy band. Some think he is innocent, some don't care either way. All of them are bat shit crazy and are in need of some intense therapy.
Like this girl, named Alisha, she's a waitress, and she's getting a Tsarnaev quote tattooed on her forearm. How dumb can you get? I hope all these people are just trolling. But probably they aren't

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes think that folks really want to push the limits on how dumb they can possibly be. Alisha is aiming high in that regard.
