Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Mom is Getting Married.....and she "forgot" to tell me....

 So I haven't been posting anything recently, for like six months, so this is relatively old news, but my mom got married and she neglected to tell me of her pending nuptials. I found out through her girlfriend's Facebook page which stated "August we will be married, it is official" Isn't that nice? Finding out through social media that your mother is getting married. So I decided to sit on it for a few days, although stew on it would probably be more appropriate. And then suddenly I got a Facebook message from my mom that said "I just wanted to chat with you about a few of the pics on FB. I understand that it is your choice not to interact or have any of us actively in your life at this point. So we all understand that and will respect your wishes. We all wish it could be differrent but understand completely. I think that you might still want to know that Penni and I will be married on August 9th of this year. I understand your need for space and we will let you continue with therapy so that maybe some where down the road we can again be a family that interacts with each other and actually enjoys the time we have. We wish you all the best for the end of the year wrap up you are trying to get done and hope you have a great summer."
So let me pick apart the problem I have with this message, and there is quite a bit.
  1. "I understand that it is your choice not to interact or have any of us actively in your life at this point." It is not my choice. I can't tolerate the insensitive things that constantly roll of your tongue, without a seconds hesitation. Your girlfriend (and I'm fairly sure you are too) is a man hater. She complains about men like they are a scourge of the earth. When I came out, she refused to acknowledge me as Nathan, and referred to me as "a confused butch lesbian." There is a distinct difference between being butch lesbian and being transgender. Whenever I come around, I always have an immediate feeling that I am unwelcome. 
  2.   "we all understand that and will respect your wishes" mmm... no you clearly don't. In fact you constantly ask why I don't come around, and when I respond with the truth you tell me that it is my fault I feel that way, that you aren't doing anything wrong.
  3. "we will let you continue with therapy" Well how kind of you. I was unaware that you had any say in my life now that I no longer live with you. Oh that's right, you don't. But thank you for letting me continue with something I need because of you and your psycho babble bullshit.
  4. "some where down the road we can again be a family that interacts with each other and actually enjoys the time we have"  Right, well can you refer to me as "Nathan/Nate"? Instead of calling me "Naomi Catherine" how about you call me "Nathan Connor"? And that will be a start. But I will not expect such change anytime soon.


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