Monday, June 3, 2013

No Atheists In Foxholes

You know there is this expression that people use that is more common than I'd like, no it's not yolo, its "there's no atheists in foxholes." So many people take that way too literally, you know once they see the mortar rounds and feel the paralyzing fear that grips their chest, they call out to a higher power. And I've experienced this personally, this "there is no atheists in foxholes," when one of my favorite teachers was in the hospital, Mr. Collin Anderson, and there was very little brain activity to be spoken of, and nobody was sure what was really going on, I reached out to a higher power. Not even God really, I just had this brief hope that maybe there was something in the universe that could circumvent the reality I felt. I thought please if there is anything out there that can help, take pity on this poor man, who everyone loves, who needs a second chance, because someday, he'll save the world. I truly thought this. I still think to this day that Mr. Anderson could have saved the world. But he still died. So believe me when I say there is no god. Otherwise he/she/it would not have taken such an amazing man from this world.

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