So to start of with I have a mohawk. I recently got it cut again, and ever since then a lot of people (specifically older people) have told me I look like an "Indian" or they will ask if I am "Indian." First of all if you're going to be an idiot, be politically correct. Second of all saying that I look like an "Indian" due to my hairstyle is axiomatically incorrect. Most people believe that the Mohawks, like some indigenous tribes in the Great Lakes region, sometimes wore their hair cut off except for a narrow strip down the middle of the scalp from the forehead to the nape, that was approximately three finger widths across. However, the idea that Mohawks had "Mohawk hairstyles" is incorrect, and came from Hollywood movies, particularly Drums Along the Mohawk. The true hairstyle of the Mohawk, including the entire Six Nations, was to remove the hair from the head by plucking (not shaving) tuft by tuft of hair until all that was left was a square of hair on the back crown of the head. The remaining hair was shortened so that three short braids of hair were created and those braids were highly decorated.

Also some people have asked me if I had cancer. That just makes zero sense to me. Especially because a haircut is voluntary cancer is not. I don't see anybody going "I volunteer to have cancer"
So seriously please just stop with the Mohawk stereotypes. Go find something better to stereotype, or better yet don't use stereotypes. That's cool too.
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